Steam Oven Pasta 101

Scott Heimendinger
Scott Heimendinger
September 6, 2023
Did you know that you can cook pasta in the Anova Precision Oven? This convenient method uses far less water than stovetop boiling, and has no risk of boiling over. Plus, the pasta cooks hands-free, so you don’t need to stand there babysitting it. We're cooking the noodles in far less water, so the starch on the outside of the pasta doesn't become as diluted as in traditional boiling. This helps the pasta hold onto sauce, rather than leaving it behind in the bowl. Pasta cooks by absorbing water. By using full steam in the oven, plus liquid water in the sheet pan, we create ideal conditions for perfectly cooked, al dente noodles. Notes: You can adapt this method to use many different pasta shapes. Long pasta shapes, like spaghetti and linguine, fit well in a 9- by 13-inch baking dish, while short pastas, like elbows, work better in a deep, round cast iron skillet. Small pastas, like orzo, cook more quickly than spaghetti, so begin checking at 18 minutes. This method isn’t ideal for large tube pastas, such as rigatoni.
Prep Time
Cook Time
Steam Oven Pasta 101
3.85 (7)
Dried spaghetti (see note)
Hot water

1. Preheat the Oven

Sous Vide Mode: Off
Steam: 100%
Temp: 212°F
Heat: Rear

2. Assemble Pasta Pan

Place the spaghetti in a sheet pan or other baking dish just large enough to hold the amount of spaghetti you want to cook in a single layer (see note). Pour over hot tap water to cover the spaghetti by 1/4 inch. Season with salt to taste.
Assemble Pasta Pan

3. Cook

Transfer to the oven and cook until the spaghetti is al dente, 20 to 22 minutes (see note).
Sous Vide Mode: Off
Steam: 100%
Temp: 212°F
Heat: Rear
00:20 Timer

4. Drain and Serve

Carefully remove the spaghetti from the oven and drain off any water remaining in the sheet pan. Serve with your favorite sauce.
Drain and Serve
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