Amazake-Marinated Pork Chop

Imrun Texeira
Imrun Texeira
March 22, 2023
Amazake is a sweet Japanese drink made by fermenting rice with umami-generating koji mold. Using it as a super-simple marinade for pork helps to tenderize the meat and enhance the umami flavour. The sugars in the amazake also help to aid in the caramelization process. By using sous vide mode followed by a quick stint with the food probe under the broiler, I get a perfectly cooked and caramelized pork chop every time. Note: If you do not have an Anova Precision Chamber Vacuum Sealer, you can combine the chop and amazake in a high-quality freezer zipper-lock bag. Seal, removing as much air as possible, and then follow the recipe as written.
Prep Time
Cook Time
Amazake-Marinated Pork Chop
100 g
bone-in pork chop
Kosher salt
Flaky sea salt, for serving

1. Seal and Marinate the Pork

Using a small blender or immersion blender, blend the amazake until smooth. Transfer to a chamber vacuum pouch with the pork chop. Transfer to an Anova Precision Chamber Vacuum Sealer and seal using the strong vacuum and normal seal. Massage the bag so that the amazake evenly covers the pork. Refrigerate for 32 hours.
Seal and Marinate the Pork

2. Preheat the Oven

Sous Vide Mode: On
Steam: 100%
Temp: 107.6°F
Heat: Rear

3. Cook the Pork Sous Vide

Place the pork chop, still in the bag, on a sheet pan and transfer to the oven. Cook for 3 hours. Remove from the oven.
Sous Vide Mode: On
Steam: 100%
Temp: 107.6°F
Heat: Rear
03:00 Timer

4. Adjust the Oven for Broiling

Sous Vide Mode: Off
Steam: Off
Temp: 446°F
Heat: Top

5. Prepare the Pork for Broiling

Remove the pork chop from the bag and wipe off excess amazake. Don’t rinse. You’ll want those sugars from the amazake that still cling to the pork to help aid the caramelization process. Season with salt and transfer to a sheet pan. Insert the probe into the thickest part of the chop, being careful to avoid the bone.
Prepare the Pork for Broiling

6. Broil the Pork

Transfer to the oven, attach the probe, and cook, flipping halfway through, until the pork reaches its target temperature, 10 to 15 minutes total.
Sous Vide Mode: Off
Steam: Off
Temp: 446°F
Heat: Top
140°F Probe Target

7. Serve

Slice and sprinkle with the flaky sea salt. Serve.
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